Loyalty in Death by J. D. Robb

This entry is part [part not set] of 26 in the series In Death Series

Book Review: 2 Treasure Boxes
In Death Series, Book 10
Publisher: The Penguin Publishing Group (Electronic Edition: October 2003), EBook: 574 KB, Language: English

This is a good futuristic suspense novel featuring Lieutenant Eve Dallas. She is a tough, smart, likeable homicide detective. In each book she solves a crime and finds the killer. The book also encompasses her entire life including her personal relationships. Eve is investigating a couple of seemingly unrelated murders. One is the murder of a much-loved successful business man and the other a low-life computer wizard. Then through into the mix a crazy terrorist group is setting bombs throughout the city.

Loyalty in Death is the tenth book in the In Death series by J.D. Robb, to date she has written 40 books in the series. I have read most of these books and found them all to be enjoyable and well written. This book falls into both the suspense and romance categories as the book focuses on the case Eve is currently working on as well as Eve and Roake’s relationship. This is a futuristic suspense that takes place in 2059 in New York City. The books are told in a third person narrative that focuses primarily on Lieutenant Eve Dallas, a dedicated and talented homicide detective. Although the story is also told through some of the other characters including the murderer. The books are written by Nora Roberts under the pseudonym of J. D. Robb.

This book has lots going on, but the main focus is on finding and stopping a terrorist group. Eve must find out where the next attack will be so she can prevent damage and save hundreds, if not thousands of people.  At the same time she must also deduce who is behind this group and bring them down. Intertwined in this investigation Eve must help Peabody’s brother, who has become a murder suspect. There is plenty of action and fair amount of suspense as the story builds.

This is a standalone book but I am sure that if you read it you would be quickly reading the other books in the series. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about strong female lead characters and enjoys a suspense story. The story is well written and enjoyable. I also recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about a bit of romance since there is a fair bit of this as well as some hot sex scenes between Eve and Roake.

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