Holiday in Death by J. D. Robb

This entry is part [part not set] of 26 in the series In Death Series

Book Review: 2 Treasure Boxes
In Death Series, Book 7
Publisher: The Penguin Publishing Group (Electronic Edition: July 2001), EBook: 573 KB, Language: English, ISBN-0-7865-0092-1

A good futuristic suspense novel featuring Lieutenant Eve Dallas. The Lieutenant is a tough, smart, likable homicide detective. In each book she solves a crime and finds the killer. The book also encompasses her entire life including her personal relationships. This is Eve and Roake’s first Christmas together, but there is a serial killer targeting customers of an exclusive dating service and it is up to Eve Dallas to find the killer.

Holiday in Death is the seventh book in the In Death series by J.D. Robb, to date she has written 39 books in the series with book # 40 to be released  February 11, 2011.  I have read most of these books and found them all to be enjoyable and well written.  This book falls into both the suspense and romance categories as the book focuses on the case Eve is currently working on as well as Eve and Roake’s relationship.  This is a futuristic suspense that takes place in 2058 in New York City. The books are told in a third person narrative that focuses primarily on Lieutenant Eve Dallas, a dedicated and talented homicide detective. At times, the author also gives us insight into some of the other characters including the murderer. The books are written by Nora Roberts under the pseudonym of J. D. Robb.

Eve is working with her usual team which includes her aide Officer Peabody, Captain Feeney, Roake and the addition of a new character, Detective Ian McNabb. McNabb works in EDD (the electronics division) with Captain Feeney and is an interesting character who has long blonde hair and dresses very funky with bright colours and loads of earrings.  Eve is working really hard to track down the brutal serial killer of lonely singles. The theme of the murderer is the 12 days of Christmas, and as each consecutive murder is committed it is getting closer and closer to Christmas.  Eve does not have a lot to go on, but she does know that all the victims were customers of an exclusive dating service.  So Eve decides to put her aide and Detective McNabb in undercover. The relationship between Peabody and McNabb is touchy with McNabbshowing great concern for Peabody. They both go into the undercover with great aplomb. Eve and her team work hard together to solve the puzzle of who is committing the crime.

The story is interesting and well written.  There is a good intermingling between solving the case and Eve’s personal life. Robb gives a few suspects for us to look at but does not reveal the true murderer until the end of the book.  If you are looking to solve a mystery along with Eve then you will be disappointed since you cannot solve this book on your own. The ending of the book is quite suspenceful and has a great conclusion.  As usual there were a few sex scenes between Eve and Roake and they were steamy as ever.

This is a stand alone book, and I am sure that if you read it you would be quickly reading the previous books in the series. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about a strong female lead and enjoys a suspense story.  The story is well written and  enjoyable. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading romance since there is a fair bit of this as well as some hot sex scenes between Eve and Roake.

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