Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 13 in the series The Dresden Files

Book Review: 3 Treasure Boxes
Book Two of Dresden Files
Publisher: Roc (January 9, 2001), Mass Market Paperback: 352 pages, Language: English, ISBN-10: 0451458125, ISBN-13: 978-0451458124

Another very enjoyable book about our hero, Harry Dresden, the detective Wizard.  I really enjoyed this book, I liked the story and how it unfolded. I found that we get to know our characters a bit better. I liked reading about the continuing development of Harry and Susan’s love relationship. Harry is struggling to make ends meet and is brought into a case that Karen Murphy, the police detective is working on.  It is enjoyable to read about the personal interaction between Karen and Harry. Harry helps to solve the mystery and this time it surrounds both natural and magical werewolves. 

Fool Moon is the second book in The Dresden Files. Jim Butcher has currently written 12 books in this series with book 13 due July 26, 2011.  He has also written 6 books in the Codex Alera Series, which is closer to High Fantasy than the Dresden Files.  See my review of these books at The Dresden Files are considered Contempory Fantasy and sometimes are referred to as Urban Fantasy.  They can also fall into the Detective genre since Harry solves a case in each book. Each book is told in the first person narrative from Harry Dresden’s point on view as we follow him through his life solving his current case.

The book pulls us in from the first page and we cheer Harry on as he does what needs to be done. Harry Dresden’s character is continuing to develop.  There is the introduction of new people and concepts.  I thought it was an interesting twist, the way the FBI were becoming magical werewolves for their own personal motives.  I also liked the evolution of the relationship between Harry and Marcone, Chicago’s number one gangster. The book introduces the Alfas, the werewolf group that idolizes Harry.  They are an interesting concept and fun to read. I liked this book, it was a stand alone story that was well written. 

The story is good entertainment. It left you wondering where it was going and what was going to happen next. The climax of the book was very exciting with lots of action. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.  I highly recommend this book. If you enjoy reading a good detective story encasing paranormal activities with a strong, honourable hero then give this series a try.  However, you should read the books in order as the overall story does build even if each book is stand alone.

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