- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Book Review: 2 Treasure Boxes
The Final Book of The Hunger Games
Publisher: Scholastic Press; 1 edition (Aug 24 2010,) Hardcover: 400 pages, ISBN-10: 0439023513, ISBN-13: 978-0439023511
The districts and The Capital are at war with each and Katniss was the catalyst. This story centres on Katniss as the rebels prepare to fight. The only problem is The Capital has Peeta and they are torturing him. This is a story of how the slaves try to correct the unfair balance of power and the resulting consequences, which include both revenge and redemption.
Mockingjay is the final book in The Hunger Games Trilogy. It is a young adult, dystopian science fiction that takes place on Panem, which was once the continent of North America, at an unknown futuristic date. The story is told in a first person narrative from the point of view of the main protagonist, Katniss Everdeen. Suzanne Collins has also written The Underland Series plus a couple of other books written for youths.
I did not enjoy this book as much as the first two, but it still held my interest right up to the last page. Even in the last chapter I was not sure where the story was going. Once Katniss was brought into district 13 and introduced to President Coin, I began to question how different are the rebels to the Capital? Yes, The Capital is filled with privileged people whose comforts and entertainments are all at the expense of the districts, but District 13’s treatment of its prisoners, shows that they really are no different. I was surprised at the ending, but felt that Katniss’ decisions perhaps addressed some of my questions.
Mockinjay is a good ending to a good series. If you enjoy reading dystopian science fiction books that are aimed at young adults, then you should give this series a try. Just be sure to read the books in order.
Questions to ponder:
As the story unfolded, I began to wonder just what kind of world will it be if The Capital is defeated?
Will the slaves in the districts really become free, or will they just become new slaves to the new president and district 13? (I know this was answered somewhat by the book, but still something to think about.)
To purchase: “Mockingjay” from Amazon, click here or on picture above
Hey saw your blog posted on goodreads! Anyways I was wondering about these books- I’m not really into YA genre but they seem to get all the glory these days. I DO love a good dystopia though and was wondering if these books were anything like Oryx & Crake?
I have not yet read Oryx & Crake, so I can not answer that question. But I did recently read Stephen King’s The Running Man and I thought that in some ways The Hunger Games trilogy and The Running Man were similar. As for The Hunger Games being YA, certainly in some ways it falls into this category, particularly because the main characters are teenagers and there is very little sex or adult subject matter in the books. However, in other ways I felt the series was very adult, specifically in the level of violence and gore.
Hope this helps and thanks for reading my review!
Linda http:books-treasureortrash.com