Blood Bond by Patrica Briggs

This entry is part [part not set] of 6 in the series Mercedes Thompson Series

Book Review: 2 Treasure Boxes
The Mercedes Thompson Series, Book 2
Publisher: Ace (January 30, 2007), 304 pages, ISBN-10: 0441014739, ISBN-13: 978-0441014736

What frightens Vampires, captures and controls werewolves? Would you hunt down a demon controlled vampire to save your friends? Mercy Thompson will but she is a Walker, a Native-American shapeshifter who can change into a coyote at will. She must risk her own life to fight this evil creature, luckily she gets a little help from a gremlin.

There are currently six books in The Mercedes Thompson Series. The series revolves around Mercedes (Mercy,) a Native American shapeshifter who can assume the body of a coyote. She is also a strong, independent woman who makes her living as a mechanic. Patricia Brigg has also written several other series which fall into the Paranormal Romance, High Fantasy, and Fantasy genres.  She has written numerous short stories.  This series is considered Urban Fantasy or Contemporary Fantasy.  The books are told in a first person narrative with Mercy’s voice and thoughts as she finds and fights the culprit.

Blood Bound, captured my interest from the first page.  I enjoyed reading about the romance blossoming between Mercy and Adam, the alfa wolf. Mercy has more men interested in her including Samuel and Stefan and we learn more about them and their past. There is plenty of action and a bit of suspense as the story unfolds. I was worried for Mercy’s safety and was left wondering how she was going to fight against such a strong and heinous creature. As she struggles through this battle we learn more about her abilities. The characters are interesting and pretty well rounded, plus they continue to grow in depth as the series progresses.

This is a stand alone book, it has an exciting story that builds up a good conclusion. If you enjoyed Moon Called then you will enjoy Blood Bound. I am curious to see where this series is going and what else Mercy is going to get up to, so I am going to read the next book in the series.  I recommend this book, it is a good read in the Urban Fantasy landscape. If you enjoy books with werewolves, shapeshifters, fae, vampires and witches then you will enjoy this book, but you should read the books in order.

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