Category Archives: Goodreads

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Book Review: 3 Treasure Boxes
The Third Robert Langdon book
Publisher: Anchor; Reprint edition (October 19, 2010),Paperback: 656 pages, ISBN-10: 1400079144, ISBN-13: 978-1400079148

The story centres around our favourite symbologist, Robert Langdon and quickly jumps into intrigue. He must solve a riddle concerning the Masons and a hidden portal in Washington, D.C.  The answer will leads to ancient magical wisdom, which can elevate man to the realm of the gods.

This is an exciting story and it includes a good heart stopping escape scene where  Katherine Solomon, the scientist escapes from Mal’akh, the main antagonist.  The characters were all interesting, from the crazy bad guy, the attractive middle-aged lady scientist and her brother to the government people all running around trying to solve this newest dilemma.

I really enjoyed this book, it was unpredictable, plus there was a surprising twist in the story. Mr. Brown kept us guessing right up to the end which was exciting and came to a great conclusion.

I enjoyed the references in the book to the power of the mind and the scientific proof that is out there which proves that the mind can control energy, which is something that I have always believed in. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it as a good read.

To Purchase: “The Lost Symbol” from Amazon, click here or on picture above

First Lord’s Fury by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review: 2 treasure boxes
Book Six in the Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace; Reprint edition (November 30, 2010), Paperback: 784 pages, ISBN-10: 0441019625, ISBN-13: 978-0441019625

Everyone is back on Aleran, fighting the Vord. The main characters are spread out, each with their own tale full of adventures.  The story continues immediately following Princeps’ Fury

This is the final book in the Codex Alera Series. Which is a high fantasy and it takes place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous contemporary fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

First Lord’s Fury is the exciting, nail-biting conclusion to the series, although there were a few problems with the story.  There was lots of action with plenty of battle scenes, although some of these were quite gory.  One character redeemed himself, but other than that there wasn’t any character development or transformations. There was the introduction of one new character, who is quite pivotal to the plot, but the new character was not fully developed.

The story was good, although a bit predictable. Also, I thought there was a fairly big plot hole* see below.  But if you overlook that, it was a satisfying ending. And the story did come to a final conclusion.

Overall I enjoyed this series.  I liked how the world was developed and I thought that all the various different peoples and creatures was interesting.  If you enjoy reading high fantasy, then you should definitely give The Codex Alera Series a read.


This could be considered a spoiler, so if you haven’t read the book, then do not read any further:
*Why would the Queen vord leave her Horde to fight Tavi alone in the final battle scene

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Princep’s Fury by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review: 2 treasure boxes
Book five of the Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace; Reprint edition (November 24, 2009), Paperback: 640 pages, ISBN-10: 0441017967, ISBN-13: 978-0441017966

Princeps‘ Fury is an action filled story, told in great Jim Butcher style. The story continues with the threat of the Canin greatly reduced, but Tavi is once again sent away, this time overseas with the Canin. The High Lord is hoping to protect Tavi but once they arrive, they are met with a huge surprise. In the meanwhile back in Alera the Vord have reappeared. This story takes place in both Alera and Canin.

This is the fifth of six books in the Codex Alera Series. It is a high fantasy taking place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous contemporary fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

There was plenty of action, some of it pretty gory, and all coming from various different characters and different events.  I liked how they escaped the Canin homeland, I liked how more information was revealed about the Great Fury, and I liked the details provided about Tavi’s father.  There were minor developments in the characters and a bit more information about the Vord was revealed.

The story ebbed at the end with some minor conclusions, but it did not come to any real closure, so the story ended in the middle of the conflict.  I always find it annoying when a book is not a complete story with a beginning, middle and end but it did motivate me to read First Lord’s Fury.
To Purchase: “Princeps’ Fury” from Amazon, click here or on picture above

Captain’s Fury by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review:2 treasure boxes
Book four of the Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace; Reprint edition (November 25, 2008), Paperback: 656 pages, ISBN-10: 0441016553, ISBN-13: 978-0441016556

Tavi, as Captain has now successfully held the Canin back for 2 years.  Due to his youth, there is an annoying political ploy to remove him and then change his successful battle strategy. Tavi also finally learns his proper heritage.  This story continues both the Canin incursion as well as the civil war conflict with Kalare and takes place about 2 years after Cursor’s Fury.

Captain’s Fury is the fourth of six books in the Codex Alera Series. This is a high fantasy taking place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous contemporary fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

There are some startling developments in the story.  There are a number of exciting scenes, one where Tavi breaks out of prison, one where he breaks the leader the Canin out of prison and another is where his uncle sneaks into Kalare lands. I liked this book better than Cursor’s Fury, I thought the story was well told.

This books comes to a complete conclusion of the story, yet leaves room for the story to continue, which is the best kind of ending. I recommend this series, but you need to read the books in order since the story builds. I am looking forward to reading Princeps’ Fury.
To Purchase: “Captain’s Fury” from Amazon, click here or on picture above

The Cursor’s Fury by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review: 1 treasure box
Book Three of Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace (November 27, 2007), Paperback: 704 pages, ISBN-10: 0441015476, ISBN-13: 978-0441015474

The Vord are nowhere to be found and most people do not believe in their existence or in their proposed threat. The story-line takes place about 2 years after The Academ’s Fury. Tavi is just finishing school, continuing to fight against prejudice, working as an assistant to the First Lord and developing a relationship with the head of the Canin, who is being held prisoner. Due to the political struggles a civil war is breaking out. Tavi is sent away to start his spying career as a junior officer, but he is really sent away to isolate him from harm.

This is a new and interesting concept in Fantasy. The series is about a country called Alera on the world of Carna, where there are elemental beings that can control metal, air, water, earth or fire, they are called Furies. Some of these beings are wild and can do harm, but when they are wild they do not seem to have a lot of intelligence. There are also several peoples who live there. They all have different physical looks and abilities.

The Cursor’s Fury is the third of six books in the Codex Alera Series. This is a high fantasy taking place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous contemporary fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

I enjoyed this book, though not as much as the first two, as it was not as compelling.  I found it to have too many unbelievable battle scenes.  Tavi still does not have any fury-craft abilities, yet he continues to develop in other ways.  Although he was sent to a post that was to have little action, Tavi ends up being in charge of the only Aleran post between the Canin host and the rest of Alera. While facing several challenges he must lead his men to fight an almost impossible task.

The story did not have a proper conclusion; it left off in mid-story to be continued in the next book, Captain’s Fury.  I prefer a story that is a standalone, rather than half a story; however, it highly motivated me to pick up the next book in the series to find out what happened.

to buy Cursor’s Fury (Codex Alera, Book 3), click here or on picture above

Academ’s Fury by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review: 3 treasure boxes
Book two of Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace (November 28, 2006), Paperback: 720 pages, ISBN-10: 0441013406, ISBN-13: 978-0441013401

Academ’s Fury takes place about 2 years after The Furies of Calderon. Tavi is away from home, studying.  He still has no ability to use Furies and needs to deal with the prejudice and overall lack of strength that this causes. Regardless he is very talented in many ways and is training as a spy for the crown. We are introduced to the evil Vord with Tavi and the empire facing this vile enemy.

Academ’s Fury is the second of six books in the Codex Alera Series. This is a High Fantasy taking place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous Contemporary Fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

There is a definite development in Tavi’s character as well as the introduction of some new characters. There is also the development of a love story, but that is quite minor. The Vord and Canim are introduced in this book. There is a great fight scene where Tavi is defending against an attack from the Vord (in the guise of Canin, the Vord have “taken” some of the Canin.) We learn more about the Vord and how to fight them.

The book comes to a good conclusion and is very satisfying. This is another exciting book from Jim Butcher with lots of action. I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend this series.
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Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review: 3 treasure boxes
Book one of  Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace (June 28, 2005), Paperback: 672 pages, ISBN-10: 044101268X, ISBN-13: 978-0441012688

An unexpected attack from the Marat, shows the depth of Tavi’s character right from the start. This leads to Tavi and his uncle uncovering a planned invasion which threatens the empire. Before long Tavi becomes integral in the battle as he gets pulled into the political and military intrigue.

This is a new and interesting concept in Fantasy. The series is about a country called Alera on the world of Carna, where there are elemental beings that can control metal, air, water, earth or fire, they are called Furies. Some of these beings are wild and can do harm, but when they are wild they do not seem to have a lot of intelligence. There are also several peoples who live there. They all have different physical looks and abilities.

Furies of Calderon is the first of six books in the Codex Alera Series. This is a High Fantasy taking place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous Contemporary Fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

The story starts with plenty of intrigue, showing how the current social & political structure is not working. We are introduced to Tavi, the main protagonist, who is very resourceful especially since he has a disadvantage in that he is unable to utilize any furies, which is the main source of magic.

The first book was very exciting almost from the first page. It does a great job of introducing and developing the characters, all who are well rounded. There was plenty of action and some innovative ways to resolve conflict. The story also subtlety deals with prejudice.

There is a good satisfying conclusion, with a good stepping stone to the next installment. I really enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to Academ’s Fury. I recommend this book, it is original and fun to read.
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Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series The Hollows

Book Review: 3 Treasure Boxes
The Hollows Series, book 1
Publisher: HarperCollins ebook, 658 KB (432 pages,)

This is a fun book to read.  It introduces the three main characters who live and work together.  Rachel is a sassy and independent Witch, she is also a good fighter, Jenks is a hunkie 4″ Pixie who lives in the garden with his wife and large brood of kids.  Ivy is a sexy, dangerous undead vampire who has the hots for Rachel.  The premise of the book is established where Rachel is setting up as an independent runner (like a private investigator,) working with both Jenks and Ivy. Rachel hasn’t yet been hired to do any work, but she is trying to clear her name, so she can remove the death threat against her. (Hence the name of the book.) In the process she is getting in and out of all kinds of trouble.

Dead Witch Walking is the first book in The Rachel Morgan/The Hollows Series. Currently there are nine books in the series, with another three or four expected to be relaesed in the future. This series is a modern day story that centers around inderlanders: witches, weres, vampires and others including the occasional demon, so it falls into the Contemporary Fantasy or Urban Fantasy genre. It is told in the first person narrative from Rachel Morgan’s point of view, she is the main protagonist.

We learn about the world they live in where Inderlanders and humans live side by side.  We also watch the development of the relationship between the three main characters and we meet new characters and experience new situations with the characters.  It is highly entertaining, with lots of action. This is a stand alone book with a good build right up to an exciting conclusion.

I really enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you enjoy reading contemporary fantasy novels with a sassy witch as the main protagonist, then you will enjoy this book.


The Demon Awakens by R.A. Salvatore

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series The DemonWars Saga

Book Review:  no trash cans and no treasure boxes
First Book of the first trilogy in the Demon Wars Series
Publisher: Del Rey (February 28, 1998), Paperback: 624 pages, ISBN-10: 0345421620, ISBN-13: 978-0345421623

This book takes place on a world that is equivalent to our pre-technological world, but it includes Goblins, Giants, Dwarfs, Elves, Demons and magic.  It starts out with 3 different, seemingly unrelated people and events, the first is the re-awakening of our antagonist the demon dactyl, the second is an introduction of our protagonist Elbryan Wyndon, who is thirteen years old, the third is a young monk named Avelyn.

I really enjoyed the first third of the book where the characters were introduced, I found them to be intriguing.  However, by the half way point I found the book to be a bit slow and draggy.  The story is your typical good versus evil, however there is not much dimension in the characters, they are either good or evil, with next to no variety in their personalities or characters. I found the story to be predictable and more of a chore to read than a pleasure.  The ending was true to form and not very satisfying.

To purchase: “The Demon Awakens” from Amazon, click here or on picture