Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Codex Alera Series

Book Review: 3 treasure boxes
Book one of  Codex Alera
Publisher: Ace (June 28, 2005), Paperback: 672 pages, ISBN-10: 044101268X, ISBN-13: 978-0441012688

An unexpected attack from the Marat, shows the depth of Tavi’s character right from the start. This leads to Tavi and his uncle uncovering a planned invasion which threatens the empire. Before long Tavi becomes integral in the battle as he gets pulled into the political and military intrigue.

This is a new and interesting concept in Fantasy. The series is about a country called Alera on the world of Carna, where there are elemental beings that can control metal, air, water, earth or fire, they are called Furies. Some of these beings are wild and can do harm, but when they are wild they do not seem to have a lot of intelligence. There are also several peoples who live there. They all have different physical looks and abilities.

Furies of Calderon is the first of six books in the Codex Alera Series. This is a High Fantasy taking place in the Aleran Empire in a society similar to that of ancient Rome. This book is told in the third person narrative from the various different characters point of view, but primarily from that of the main protagonist Tavi. Jim Butcher has also written numerous Contemporary Fantasy books, primarily the Dresden Files.

The story starts with plenty of intrigue, showing how the current social & political structure is not working. We are introduced to Tavi, the main protagonist, who is very resourceful especially since he has a disadvantage in that he is unable to utilize any furies, which is the main source of magic.

The first book was very exciting almost from the first page. It does a great job of introducing and developing the characters, all who are well rounded. There was plenty of action and some innovative ways to resolve conflict. The story also subtlety deals with prejudice.

There is a good satisfying conclusion, with a good stepping stone to the next installment. I really enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to Academ’s Fury. I recommend this book, it is original and fun to read.
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