Book Review: 1 Treasure Box
The Inheritance Trilogy, Book 1
Publisher: Orbit; Original edition (February 25, 2010), Sold by: Hachette Book Group, Format: Kindle Edition, File Size: 544 KB, Print Length: 432 pages, Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0316043915, Language: English, ASIN: B002ZDJZO2
What if Gods were used as weapons and could be controlled by humans? This is a story of a world where there were once three omnipotent Gods, but now there is only one. One is dead and the other and their semi-godlike siblings are held as slaves to be controlled by the ruling class of citizens known as Arameri. Yeine Darr is a half-blood Arameri who has been brought back home and pulled into the politics of who will be the next head of the Amareri. The most powerful and influential person on earth.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is N. K. Jemisin’s debut novel. This is the first of three books in The Inheritance Trilogy. The second book The Broken Kingdoms was released in 2010 and the third book The Kingdom of Gods is expected September 1, 2011. These books fall into the fantasy genre. The story is told from a first person narrative by the protagonist Yeine Darr, a mixed-blood princess.
I didn’t think that the story was flushed out or explained very well. I know that Itempas, the God of Light murdered his sister, Enefa, the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk. But I am not sure exactly why he wanted her dead. I feel that books where gods have unlimited power yet also human tendencies like selfishness and human emotions that include hate and jealousy are not believable. I prefer a deity that has grown into their power and has proven they have what it takes to wield such power. This book shows how absolute power corrupts absolutely. I had a problem with the logic of the story and felt that there were several big plot holes. Right up until the end I was not sure where the story was going so it kept me interested. I liked the visual discriptions used in the book.
This is a stand alone story which I appreciated and it has a satisfying ending so I could put the book down and not be too concerned about what will happen next. I know there is another book in the series and I am not sure where the story will go with the next book and I am not sure that I will ever be compelled to pick it up to find out.