Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools by M. R. Mathias

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Wardstoned Trilogy

Book Review: 2 Treasure Boxes
The Wardstone Trilogy: Book Two
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Format: Kindle Edition, File Size: 679 KB (420 pages,) ASIN: B005465JO2

The Dragon Queen has invaded and then usurped the Kingdom. The High King, along with his magical sword and wizard friends are trying to save the world from this evil and reclaim the Kingdom.  But is she really evil, or should they be more concerned with her demon lover?

Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools is the second installment in the Wardstone Trilogy.  Mr. Mathias has written numerous books, primarily fantasy novels, but he has also written a couple of Horror books as well. There are several protagonists in this fantasy tale and it is told in the third person narrative with the voice and thoughts of the main players.

It took a while for the story to get going, but once it did, I became curious to discover where it was going. There were several plot lines running simultaneously that were all interrelated. I like that some of the evil characters are well-rounded, particularly, the dragon queen.  She is inherently evil, yet she also has a soft side.  She cares for her people and does not endorse slavery plus she is driven to save her love, Gerard.  What Gerard is becoming, is frightening. In the previous book, he was a nice person and we really cared for him, but now after his exposure to the demons, I do not know what he is going to become, part of me still hopes he will be a good person, but I am afraid he is beyond that now.

I was never too sure where the story was going or how it was going to end, so it kept my interest throughout.  There was plenty of action, especially at the end of the book. However, at times I found the adventures to be a bit disjointed and difficult to follow. I also felt that the ending was a bit confusing.

If you read the first installment in this trilogy, then you should be sure to read “Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools” so you can follow the adventures of Mikahl, Hayden and company as they try to right the wrongs that previously occurred.


My Favourite Quote from the book:
“Oarly swallowed. “Aye.” he nodded. ” But we got a  couple of half-arsed wizards, a few swordsmen and some arrows. And I got me axe. All we need now is some torches and we are off.”

A  few questions to ponder:
What happened to Hyden Hawk?
Who are the fools?


To purchase: “Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools” from Amazon, click here or on picture above

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2 thoughts on “Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools by M. R. Mathias”

  1. Thank you for the kind words! You’ll have to read the conclusion to find out what happened to Hyden Hawk. And really, most of the characters in the book are the fools, even though they are wizards and kings and heroes too.

    1. I suspected that the mystery of what happened to Hayden would be resolved in the final book, but thanks for clarifying. I was hoping I hadn’t missed some clues. I also thought that the gang did quite a few foolish things, including the practical jokes that they played on one another.

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