This is an alphabetical listing of all the authors that have been reviewed on this site.
- Abate, Barbara Forte The Secret of Lies by Barbara Forte Abate A novel of families, love and tragedy. Read how a young woman deals with a difficult situation. An enlightening book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Allen, Gregory G. Patchwork of Me by Gregory G. Allen Sara wants to find out about her past and goes on a journey of self-discovery with the aid of her best friends. Great book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Allende, Isabel Maya's Notebook by Isabel Allende Maya, a 19 year old girl, shares her ruminations about life, death and love in Maya's Notebook. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Amsden, Christine Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective by Christine Amsden Cassie is a “normal” young woman, who is a misfit both within her magical family and within the community at large. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. The Immortality Virus by Christine Amsden Aging has stopped for four hundred years and Grace hopes she can help people start aging again. Science fiction book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Armstrong, Kelley Angelic by Kelley Armstrong Eve, a celestial bounty hunter and an angel, needs a vacation, even if the Fates want to keep her working. Book review with a 1 treasure box rating. Bitten by Kelley Armstrong Elena is a werewolf trying to exist in the human world, but when the pack calls, she finds more than she anticipated. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Atwood, Margaret MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood The world has been remade; most of mankind has been deliberately eliminated and many new species have been developed. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood The world has been destroyed by an epidemic, and genetically modified “superior” humanoids have been invented. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood As Snowman stumbles along, the events that lead up the ruination of the world are slowly revealed through flashbacks. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Auel, Jean M. Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel This is a fictional story taking place at the dawn of time when a Neanderthal clan adopts a little Cro-Magnon girl. Book Review with a 4 treasure box rating. The Mammoth Hunters by Jean M. Auel Ayla meets the Mamutoi, the Mammoth Hunters, they soon come to love her, but not without several challenges. Book review with a 1 treasure box rating. Valley of the Horses by Jean M. Auel Ayla is a young Cro-Magnon woman who was raised by Neanderthals but is now searching for her birth people. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Baker, Jo Longbourn by Jo Baker Longbourn is a look at the world of Pride and Prejudice from a different point of view, from the view downstairs. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Barton, Beverly Dead by Midnight by Beverly Barton The actors that once starred in a porno movie are systematically being murdered in this suspense/romance novel. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Bauermeister, Erica The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister The School of Essential Ingredients is a slice of life story about 8 cooking students and their teacher. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Binchy, Maeve A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy A Week in Winter is a collection of stories during the opening week of a small inn in Ireland. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Boston, Lynn Through the Third Eye by Lynn Boston This novel is a thriller using past life regression to find THE hidden secrets of the universe. This awesome book review rated it as 3 treasure boxes.
- Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury A fireman, whose job is to burn books, begins questioning his life, and then his life starts to fall apart. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Brennan, Marie Warrior by Marie Brennan A fantasy novel examining a world with magic under the care of the Goddess centering on a witch and her doppelganger. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Briggs, Patrica Blood Bond by Patrica Briggs When a demon controlled vampire has captured Mercy's friends, she tracks them down in this urban fantasy novel. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Briggs, Patricia Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs Mercy, a shapeshifter, is drawn into the world of the fae to search for a killer in this urban fantasy novel. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Brooks, Terry The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks Shea, the only descendant of the elves who can defeat the evil Warlock Lord, needs help from the last remaining druid. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. The Tangle Box by Terry Brooks Ben Holiday, Strabo the dragon and Nightshade the witch are lost inside the tangle box within the Magic Kingdom. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. Witches' Brew by Terry Brooks A beautiful witch has kid-napped the princess to teach her magic and use her against the king. This awesome book review gives this book 3 Treasure Boxes. (more...)
- Brooks, Terry (continued) Wizard at Large by Terry Brooks A unique fantasy that moves from our world into the the kingdom of Landover that borders the edge of the faery mists. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Brooks,Terry The Wishsong of Shannara by Terry Brooks A dark book of magic becomes living evil so it is up to Allanon and the Ohmsfords to destroy it before it is too late. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Brown, Dan The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown Thriller, where Robert Langdon must solve a riddle concerning the Masons and a hidden portal in Washington, D.C. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Burns, Melba Romance Your Writer Within by Melba Burns Helpful and insightful instruction aimed at opening up inner creativity and improving the writing process. Book review with a 3 Treasure Box rating.
- Butcher, Jim Captain’s Fury by Jim Butcher Lots of excitement in this high fantasy as Tavi continues to fight the Canin and Kalare. This comprehensive review shows why it was rated 2 Treasure Boxes. Changes by Jim Butcher Harry is unstoppable when the Red Court Vampires kidnap his daughter, a sweet little girl, he just found out about. Book review of Changes - 3 treasure box rating. The Codex Alera series By Jim Butcher A new concept in Fantasy where elemental beings who can control metal, air, water, earth or fire, can be manipulated by certain people. 2 Treasure Box rating. Cold Days by Jim Butcher Harry is now the Winter Knight, and needs to kill an immortal while he stops a devastating magical explosion. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. The Cursor's Fury by Jim Butcher Tavi has yet to have any fury-craft abilities, but he is still skilled in many areas as he learns to lead his men in battle. Book review: 2 Treasure Box rating Dead Beat by Jim Butcher Harry must destroy the information which allows a necromancer to turn into a demi-god in order to save the world. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating. First Lord's Fury by Jim Butcher A great and exciting ending to an orginal and inventive military fantasy with Tavi as the hero. This insightful review rates this book with 2 treasure boxes. Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher We are introduced to Tavi and the magical world of Alera where Tavi is caught in the center of political intrigue. A book review with a 3 Treasure Box rating. Ghost Story by Jim Butcher Harry needs to find his own murderer. The only problem is, he is in ghost form and unable to access solid matter. Book Review with a 3 Treasure Box rating. Princep’s Fury by Jim Butcher An action filled story with lots of excitement where Tavi outwits his enemies using his military brilliance. A great book review with a 2 Treasure Box Rating. Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher Monsters mauling and murdering people at a convention, and Harry has a heavy load, but he takes care of business. Book Review with a 3 Treasure Box Rating. Turn Coat by Jim Butcher The last person Wizard Harry would expect is looking for help but it may lead to the identity of the traitor. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. White Night by Jim Butcher A serial killer of magical practitioners is creating fear and chaos in Chicago, but Harry is on the case. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Cafesin, J Reverb by J Cafesin Reverb is a story of redemption, healing, and love, with a twist of foreboding. Book Review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Caine, Rachel Undone by Rachel Caine A twist on contemporary fantasy with weather wardens who control the elements which they access through the aetheric. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Carter, Mary The Pub Across the Pond by Mary Carter Romance novel where Carlene Rivers has won more than just a pub in Ireland. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating.
- Christie, Agatha The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie Tommy and Tuppance become the young adventures, willing to go anywhere and do anything, including solving crimes. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Collins, Suzanne Gregor and the Code of Claw by Suzanne Collins Gregor learns that the Prophecy of Time requires the death of the Warrior and needs to prepare for what is to come. Book review with a 3 treasure box rating. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins A dystopian novel about an oppressive state abusing its people and how Katniss beat them at their own game. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- Cronin, Justin The Passage: A Novel by Justin Cronin The Passage is a vampire story where the vampire virus was created while man-kind was searching for immortality. Book Review with a 2 treasure box rating.
- de Lint, Charles Dreams Underfoot by Charles de Lint Magic, gemmins, mermaids are just a few of the characters that are introduced in this collection of short stories. Book review with a 2 treasure box rating. (more...)