Book Review: 1 Treasure Box
Publisher: Galaxias Productions (March 26, 2012), Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, File Size: 331 KB, Print Length: 214 pages, ASIN: B007P04YMI
Vivian is married to the man of her dreams, but her life is far from perfect. Before long everything falls apart, including Vivian and it is up to her to pull things together, with a little help from her friends.
Arthur Wooten has written several novels in a number of different genres. Leftovers is a drama told in a third person narrative from the point of view of the main protagonist, Vivian Lawson and the story takes place in America during the 1950s.
The story starts out in a unique and interesting manner, detailing Vivian’s dream. The dream, how it ends and what it represents is a reflection of the entire book. I thought it fitting that Mr. Wooten dedicated the book to his father, a pioneer in the plastics industry, since Tupperware saved the day. Vivian is the poor little rich girl, literally. She has a cold, uncaring mother who did not teach her how to be a woman and now Vivian is on her own struggling to survive.
This is a standalone book with a predictable story. The book was not very exciting and I pretty much knew how it was going to end after reading the first few chapters. Overall the story is heartwarming as Vivian matures into a successful, confident woman.
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