The Secret of Lies by Barbara Forte Abate

Book Review: 2 Treasure Boxes
Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing LLC (April 21, 2010), Paperback: 304 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1608444182

A horrendous event occurred in Stevie’s life when she was sixteen which continues to haunt her. The story starts when she abandons her loving husband, Ash, when she is in her late twenties. Her past won’t leave her alone. This is a tale of love, betrayal and secrets which continually tears at Stevie’s heart.

The Secret of Lies is Barbara Forte Abate’s debut novel. This drama is told to us with a first person narrative using the voice and thoughts of the main protagonist, Stevie Burke. She is a young woman and the story follows her tale as she grows from a young teenager of twelve until she is in her late twenties.

The story grabs our attention from the first page and keeps us involved right up until the last page. It starts in the present, alluding to a tragedy, and then flashes to the past.  Tension is immediately created and as the tale unfolds, I knew something bad was going to happen. I loved the beautiful word pictures that Ms. Forte Abate creates when she describes the beach house and the summers that Stevie spent there with her sister, aunt and uncle.

The book still needs a bit of polish, but overall it was well written. I liked Stevie’s character, but I did not see any reason that Ash would be so devoted to her.  She was rather selfish, self-absorbed, and not very nice to Ash. I understand why she was the way she was, but I still had a hard time believing that Ash would be interested in Stevie.

I recommend this book, it is a good read. The story will keep you entertained as the characters are developed and it is an interesting look at the dynamics of family.

To Purchase: “The Secret of Lies” from Amazon, click here or on picture above

3 thoughts on “The Secret of Lies by Barbara Forte Abate”

    1. Thanks Jess, this book is a good investment at only $6.99 through Kindle. It certainly kept me interested and I was always keen to read it any chance I got. I hope you put it on your wish list and if you do read it, be sure to let me know what you think.

  1. Hi Linda. Not only do I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read The Secret of Lies, but also for sharing your honest opinion. I well understand the time and effort that goes into writing a summary other than “I love it or, I hated it,” so especially appreciate your thoughtful review.

    And thank you, Jess, for your comment 🙂

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