Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series The Sevenwaters Trilogy
  • Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

Book Review: 1 Treasure Box
The Sevenwaters Trilogy, Book 1
Publisher: Tor Books; 1st edition (April 1, 2010), Format: Kindle Edition, File Size: 805 KB, Print Length: 560 pages, Language: English, ASIN: B004VMWAZQ


This is a book of magic, deception and redemption. Sorcha is the young daughter of the widowed Irish Lord of Sevenwaters. She is kind, caring and has her own magic. Her and her six brothers are put under a spell by their wicked new stepmother. It is up to Sorcha to save her brothers and this is the tale of her journey and her growth.

The Daughter of the Forest is the first book in The Sevenwaters Trilogy, but there are five books in total in this series. It falls into the historical fantasy genre, although I did not really feel it was very historical but rather more fanciful. It could also be considered a romance. It is told in a first person narrative from Sorcha’s point of view, she is also known as the daughter of the forest.

I did not think the story was very original and since it is based on the fairy tale of The Six Swans I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything different.  At times I thought it really dragged on, especially in the middle when Sorcha is first on her own trying to survive while toiling on the shirts. The story was transparent and did not leave much for the reader to anticipate. I did enjoy the romance part of the book and once Sorcha went to live with the Britons, things started to pick up a bit.  The characters were pretty much one sided, either all good or all bad. The story did not really explain why the wicked stepmother did what she did, but I think she wanted to have the seventh son of a seventh son. This is someone who can become very powerful with the use of magic.

The Daughter of the Forest is a complete story and it has a nice ending. I thought this book was okay, but I am not intrigued enough to read the next book in the series. If you enjoy reading a book that takes place in ancient Ireland and has a romance story in it, then you may enjoy this book.

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