- Traitor to the Blood by Barb and J.C. Hendee
- Sister of the Dead by Barb & J.C. Hendee
- Thief of Lives by Barb & J.C. Hendee
- Dhampir by Barb & J.C. Hendee
Book Review: 1 Treasure Box
Noble Dead, Series 1, Book 4 (S1B4)
Publisher: Roc (January 2, 2007), Sold by: Penguin Publishing, Format: Kindle Edition, File Size: 591 KB, Print Length: 416 pages, Language: English, ASIN: B000S1LE6K
The story has a great beginning with our unlikely heroes protecting the peasants that are being slaughtered by the tyrants forces. We get more insight into Leesil’s history, he has come back home to the town where his family was held captive and forced to become assassins. Leesil is searching his past in hopes of finding his partents. He ran away from them to escape his horrific existance, but at a potential cost of his parent’s lives. This book looks closely at tyranny and what it does to the people that have to live under it, how it decimates hope and destroys community.
Barb and J. C. Hendee have written two series in the Saga of the Noble Dead. Traitor to the Blood is the fourth book in the first series. This series has Margiere, a dhampir; Leesil, a half-elf; Wynn, a young scholar and Chap, a fay-creature in the form of an intelligent dog as the protagonists. There are six books in Series One. Series Two has Wynn, the scholar from series one; Chane, an undead vampire; and Chap’s offspring as the protagonist. Currently there are 3 books in series two. There is also a third series expected at some point in the future.
The story line did not really progress much with this book. There was very little action in this book and not very much happened. Although I did enjoy the action scene in the beginning as well as the escape scene at the end. I was a bit frustrated with the plot idea that it is better to keep an evil tyrant alive than allow the country to fall into mayhem and civil war if he was to die. I thought this was rather stupid. Why would this happen? If the tyrant can keep things together, why then can not someone else? But we need to accept this premise for the story to continue. We do get to learn a bit more about Leesil and his past. It was also rather surprising to learn that Chane did not die. During this book we come to realize that the Evil Enemy is being sought my many different groups.
The story did have a conclusion to the plot-line of searching out Leesil’s parents, but it did not resolve anything about the Evil Enemy. I haven’t been overwhelmed with this series, I am not sure if I am going to read any more books. There are so many other, better series out there. Maybe one day I will try again as I am curious see how it all ends.
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