Sister of the Dead by Barb & J.C. Hendee

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series Saga of the Noble Dead

Book Review: 1 Treasure Boxes
Saga of the Noble Dead, Series 1, Book 3 (S1, B3)
Publisher: Roc; 1st ed edition (January 4, 2005), Paperback: 416 pages, Language: English, ISBN-10: 045146009X, ISBN-13: 978-0451460097

Margiere, a dhampir; Leesil, a half-elf; Wynn, a young scholar and Chap, a fay-creature in the form of an intelligent dog continue their adventures, this time tracking down Margiere’s past. And a very interesting past it is, the story reveals how Margiere came to be and hints at why she was created.

Barb and J. C. Hendee have written two series in the Saga of the Noble DeadSister of the Dead  is the third book in the first series.  There are six books in Series One. Series Two has Wynn, the scholar from series one; Chane, an undead vampire; and Chap’s offspring as the protagonist.  Currently there are 3 books in series two. There is also a third series expected at some point in the future. The series falls into the high-fantasy genre.  The story takes place in a simpler time where there are no modern conveniences and if you want to get somewhere you either walk, ride a horse or take a boat.  The story is told in the third person narrative primarily from Magiere’s perspective.  But at times it is also  from some of the other characters, including the vampires.

After reading just the first few pages, I thought the book was good.While I was reading the beginning, I enjoyed it, the only problem was finding the time to read, probably because I found it a bit slow in the middle.  The story did have a few conclusions, but it didn’t really resolve anything although it did reveal more about Margiere’s purpose and her relationship to Welstiel.  Their adventure will continue in the next book, which will take them to the source of the evil. Hopefully, it will be more like the second book.

I gave this book 1 treasure box. And I am not rushing out to read the next book, I am not sure if I ever will.

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